The Arab Council of Touring and Automobile Clubs (ACTAC) formally became a sub-region of the FédérationInternationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Region I in May 2009. The goal of ACTAC is to unite the Arabic-speaking FIA clubs of the region to shape the future of motoring throughout the Arab world.
ACTAC’s major objectives are to:
Ensure the unity of the automobile movement and safeguard its interests.
Promote, develop and improve regional road safety, tourism, motor traffic, transportation and contribute to the improvement of the environment.
Regulate and improve the range of services provided to motoring tourists and travelers
Exercise jurisdiction in disputes between member organisations.
Assist with the establishment of new motoring clubs in the region and help them earn affiliation to the FIA.
Promote cooperation and alliances with established motoring club members of the FIA worldwide.